Who Is Jesus
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Many people have attempted to examine the uniqueness of Jesus Christ and countless books have been written on His life. The Bible makes many claims about Jesus and presents evidence for His life, death and resurrection. We can’t ignore these things or Take them lightly. A correct understanding of who Jesus Christ is And what He does changes your very destiny. The objective of this Study is to enable you to search the Holy Scriptures personally And come to a conclusion.
We need to discover truth by ourselves and the truth will set us Free.
Our Pages
His Birth and Pre-existence
His Sinless life
His Teachings
His Miracles
His Death
His Resurrection
His Second Coming
Who Is Jesus is available in 12 languages including English, Hindi, Farsi, Arabic, Urdu, Punjabi, Bengali, Gujarati, Marathi, Telegu, Tamil and Malayalam. More translations are coming up in the future.
The book has Eight chapters giving a comprehensive picture of life and mission of Jesus Christ